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he pumps Southern Cross Pumps & Irrigation offer range. Reliable village and town water supplies are essential to all communities and the Southern Cross product range has grown and developed as an integral part of this throughout PNG. Southern Cross water pumps cover a wide range of applications for both surface mounted and borehole water supplies. Reliability and service is also imperative to the mining and resource industry. With this in mind Southern Cross Pumps keep a range of pump components and electric motors on hand to offer ultra fast supply of parts or complete units to the mines and other industry.
For areas dependent on underground water supplies, Southern Cross offers a complete range of reliable, high efficiency bore pumps. These range from line shaft turbine and helical rotor pumps for both electric and diesel operation, small transfer pumps through to heavy duty industrial units. The company offers Australia's leading range of centrifugal pumps, featuring superior hydraulic design for high efficiency and reduced running costs. We have systems available that can be designed to suit a single house right up to multi story buildings. These are supplied as turnkey packages for large compounds, mechanical services and town water supplies and many other specialized applications like air conditioning units and hot water circulating pumps.POMPA AIR
pompa sentrifugal